As someone who regularly feeds his dog food that costs more than two-bucks a can, while regularly noticing that store-brand chili at my local grocery store is often on sale for less than a dollar, I was not entirely surprised when I heard of this interesting study that found most people can’t tell the
Castleberry’s botulism outbreak update
News Radio 1420 out of Lubbock, Texas, reported last week that Marissa Cisneros, a young victim of the botulism outbreak traced to Castleberry’s chili products, may be returning to school soon.
Last July, Castleberry’s recalled canned meat products that were distributed nationwide, with the exception of Great Value chili products which were exported only to…
New Mexico man died of botulism
The New Mexico man who fell ill with Botulism after reportedly eating canned Castleberry’s chili products earlier this year has died. The man, who was 52, has not been confirmed as part of the Botulism outbreak traced to consumption of Castleberry’s products, according to a New Mexico Environment Department spokeswoman, who renewed a warning to…
Castleberry’s plant reopens
Castleberry’s, the company whose products were recalled this summer after confirmed botulism cases were linked to consumption of its products, will resume processing tomorrow after a two-month period when the company was shut down. According to
The company was green-lighted to reopen the plant last week by both the U.S. Food and Drug
Good news in botulism case
According to the Associated Press, one of two Texas siblings who became ill with botulism poisoning after eating Castleberry’s chili products was released from the hospital yesterday. The Houston Chronicle carried the story:
One of two West Texas siblings confirmed to have botulism poisoning from canned food involved in a nationwide recall remained hospitalized
Another botulism case identified
New Mexico health officials announced today that a man had been hospitalized with botulism poisoning since July 26th. Test results confirmed the 52-year-old man’s case, and health agencies are working together to determine whether the man’s case can be tied to the recall of Castleberry’s chili products. According to an Associated Press article, the…
List of products recalled for botulism contamination
We have received a number of requests for a list of products that have been recalled for potential contamination with Clostridium botulinum. It is important to note that Castleberry’s manufactures a number of products and sells them under various brand names. After viewing the Castleberry’s website, here is what we have found:
Product Recall Handling Safety Instructions
If you have purchased any of the recalled products, do not open or consume them. The Food and Drug Administration recommends that you double bag them in plastic bags that are tightly closed before being placed in a trash receptacle for non-recyclable trash outside of the home. If you notice that any of these cans are swollen, bulging or leaking, please put on gloves and eye protection before double-bagging and disposing of the cans. Slowly remove gloves and dispose after use. Wash hands with soap and running water for at least 2 minutes. Additional instructions for safe disposal can be found at
Continue Reading List of products recalled for botulism contamination
Hawaii botulism case unconfirmed. Indiana case suspected.
The Honolulu Advertiser today reported that health officials have not confirmed a second case of botulism in a Maui man. According to the article:
A state Department of Health official yesterday discounted a second reported case of botulism on Maui because the symptoms "didn’t meet the criteria" for the foodborne illness.
Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo
Botulism investigation update issued
The CDC issued an update on its investigation into the botulism outbreak associated with consumption of Castleberry’s chili products today in the MMWR. Interestingly, the MMWR editorial note contains the following:
Investigators are actively seeking additional cases that might be linked to the current outbreak by issuing health alerts and examining reported botulism cases
Hawaii men hospitalized with suspected botulism after eating recalled chili products
Two Hawaii men have sought medical treatment after eating canned chili products contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium that causes botulism. Both men purchased Cattle Drive brand canned chili at Costco in Kahului, Maui, and one was hospitalized with suspected botulism. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is running tests to determine whether…