The Honolulu Advertiser today reported that health officials have not confirmed a second case of botulism in a Maui man. According to the article:
A state Department of Health official yesterday discounted a second reported case of botulism on Maui because the symptoms "didn’t meet the criteria" for the foodborne illness.
Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said the man who became ill, Wailuku attorney Keith Regan, was not hospitalized after going to the Maui Memorial Medical Center emergency room on Friday, and that no testing was ordered to determine if he had eaten food containing the botulinum toxin, which affects the nervous system and can cause paralysis and death.
Health officials continue to await results of laboratory tests on samples from another Maui man, Jon Stockton, 33, of Hana, who said he became ill after eating Cattle Drive canned chili last week. Okubo said the results could be available as early as today.
In other news, another potential Indiana botulism case is being investigated. WISH TV reported:
Another case of botulism has been reported in Indiana. State Police say they were asked to transport medicine from the Illinois state line to a patient at Memorial Hospital in Logansport.
Hospital administrators confirm they are treating a man with botulism, but would not say how he got it or how bad it is.
The Indianapolis Star also covered the story of the new suspected botulism case in the state, and once again pointed out that not all consumers are aware of the recall.
The person ate one of the products on Sunday and became ill, although officials will not know whether it is botulism until test results return in a few days, said Lynae Granzow, an epidemiologist with the Indiana Department of Health. Granzow said today she was not sure which of the recalled products the patient might have eaten.
“Even though this recall has been out and we keep asking the media and the public to communicate the message, persons still are unaware of it,” she said. “Make sure this is absolutely not on your shelves.”
The government has told people to immediately throw away more than 90 different products, from chili sauce to corned beef hash to dog food, produced at a Castleberry’s Food Co. plant linked to a botulism outbreak.