ucm484789A total of 11 people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Virchow have been reported from nine states. The number of ill people identified in each state is as follows: Minnesota (2), New Jersey (2), New Mexico (1), Ohio (1), Oklahoma (1), Oregon (1), Tennessee (1), Utah (1), and Wisconsin (1).

Illnesses started on dates ranging from December 5, 2015, to January 21, 2016. Ill people range in age from 8 years to 76, with a median age of 35. Fifty-five percent of ill people are male. Among 10 ill people with available information, one reported being hospitalized, and no deaths have been reported.

The epidemiologic and laboratory evidence available at this time suggest that RAW Meal Organic Shake & Meal products made by Garden of Life, LLC are a likely source of this outbreak. This investigation is ongoing.

Garden of Life LLC is expanding its January 29th voluntary recall to include additional lots of its Raw Meal Organic Shake & Meal Chocolate, Original, Vanilla and Vanilla Chai products because an ingredient used in certain lots of the product has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella Virchow. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis. If you have symptoms or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

Garden of Life has requested that retailers remove the lots of Raw Meal from sale and that consumers check the lot number on their Raw Meal product and return any products involved in this recall to their point of purchase for a full refund.

After extensive testing of the product and its ingredients, and working in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the manufacturer, suppliers and other third-party experts, the Company has now identified the likely source of Salmonella contamination to be Organic Moringa Leaf powder from a supplier used only in Raw Meal. Because other Garden of Life products containing Moringa use different suppliers, only Raw Meal is exposed.

Following is the list of lots affected added to this recall. Consumers can find the lot codes prominently stamped on the underside of the plastic container.

February 12, 2016 Recall Lots

Item Description Lot Number UPC Sachet UPC Exp Date
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate 10 CNT Tray 47200200 658010116114 658010116107 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Full Size 47215800 658010115933 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Full Size 47243600 658010115933 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Half Size 47198400 658010116954 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Full Size 47222300 658010114141 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Full Size 47248900 658010114141 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Half Size 47225700 658010116961 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Half Size 47198700 658010116961 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Chai 10 CNT Tray 47183200 658010116428 658010116435 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Chai Half Size 47215400 658010116947 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Chai Half Size 47202000 658010116947 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Full Size 47200100 658010116022 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Full Size 47198600 658010116022 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Half Size 47198500 658010116930 8/1/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Full Size 47200000 658010115933 8/31/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Half Size 47243000 658010116954 8/31/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Chai Full Size 47215600 658010116046 8/31/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Full Size 47202100 658010116022 8/31/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Full Size 47247700 658010115933 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Half Size 47247801 658010116954 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Half Size 47257001 658010116954 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Full Size 47246501 658010114141 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Half Size 47269900 658010116961 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla 10 CNT Tray 47275400 658010116138 658010116121 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Chai Full Size 47247601 658010116046 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Full Size 47225602 658010116022 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Half Size 47273200 658010116930 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Half Size 47247900 658010116930 11/30/2017
RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Full Size 47256902 658010115933 12/31/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Full Size 47257100 658010116022 12/31/2017
RAW Organic Meal Vanilla Half Size 47287600 658010116930 12/31/2017

To prevent a recurrence of this issue, Garden of Life will remove Organic Moringa powder from Raw Meal and expects new Raw Meal products to be available in stores and through online retailers within the next few weeks.