Organic Pastures raw milk sickened 5 people with E. coli O157:H7 from August through October.  Three of the Organic Pastures outbreak victims developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, including two siblings from Contra Costa county.  Now the State of California has lifted the quarantine on Organic Pastures’ raw product . . . except the colostrum, which is still being investigated.   

According to a press release by the California Department tof Food and Agriculture:

The facility was required to meet all sanitation requirements and comply with food safety regulations under state law before the quarantine could be lifted. During the quarantine, the facility was prohibited from producing raw milk products for the retail market. The order affected milk as well as raw butter, raw cream, raw colostrum, and a raw product labeled “Qephor.” At this time, the quarantine hold on raw colostrum remains because it is the subject of continuing investigation by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).

A bit of Organic Pastures history:

For more about the risks of raw milk, see Real Raw Milk Facts Dot Com.