E. coli outbreaks linked to lettuce, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables are nothing new. In fact, they are altogether too common. See E. coli outbreaks caused by lettuce and other leafy greens: where does Schnuck’s E. coli outbreak rank?, for a little history, and a brief summary of lettuce and other leafy green E. coli outbreaks, including the spinach E. coli outbreak of 2006.
We have added Vaughan Foods, an Oklahoma processor, to the E. coli lawsuit originally filed against Schnucks. The Schnucks E. coli outbreak is one of the larger lettuce outbreaks since 2006, which was a devastating year for leafy greens E. coli outbreaks nationally. Here are profiles done by Marler Clark of several wonderful ladies who died from their E. coli illnesses in the 2006 spinach outbreak: