turkeyburgersalmonella.bmpJennie-O Turkey burgers are being recalled after being linked to at least 12 Salmonella illnesses in Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Washington, and Wisconsin.  The illnesses occurred from December 2010 to March 2011, and the strain of Salmonella involved is called Salmonella Hadar.   

The recalled products include 4-pound boxes of Jennie-O Turkey Store® “All Natural Turkey Burgers with seasonings Lean White Meat”. Each box contains 12 1/3-pound individually wrapped burgers.

Working in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state public health partners, the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service determined that three of the patients in Colorado, Ohio, and Wisconsin specifically reported eating this product prior to illness onset and hospitalization; the last of these illnesses was reported on March 14, 2011.