The product was distributed to 99 Schnucks stores in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa.
The product would have been labeled “Chef’s Express California Pasta Salad” and sold by weight through the company’s Deli/Chef’s Express departments.
No illnesses have been reported to date related to the consumption of this product.
This recall is a result of Taylor Farms (Salina, Calif.) recall of fresh, flat leaf spinach due to the possible contamination of Salmonella . This spinach is an ingredient in Schnucks California Pasta Salad. Schnucks has ceased sale of the California Pasta Salad at this time.
Marler Clark, The Food Safety Law Firm, is the nation’s leading law firm representing victims of Salmonella outbreaks. The Salmonella lawyers of Marler Clark have represented thousands of victims of Salmonella and other foodborne illness outbreaks and have recovered over $600 million for clients. Marler Clark is the only law firm in the nation with a practice focused exclusively on foodborne illness litigation. Our Salmonella lawyers have litigated Salmonella cases stemming from outbreaks traced to a variety of foods, such as cantaloupe, tomatoes, ground turkey, salami, sprouts, cereal, peanut butter, and food served in restaurants. The law firm has brought Salmonella lawsuits against such companies as Cargill, ConAgra, Peanut Corporation of America, Sheetz, Taco Bell, Subway and Wal-Mart.