A floor sealant known as Hillyard Seal 341 was served to students enrolled in a latchkey youth program in Juneau. From the school district report:
On June 14, breakfast was served at Glacier Valley Elementary School to students enrolled in the RALLY program. All breakfast components were served by NANA Management Services staff and placed on food service trays, which students brought to a cafeteria table to consume.
Breakfast was served starting at 8:45 a.m, the district reported. Shortly thereafter, students complained of the milk tasting bad and burning their mouth/throat. Juneau School District RALLY and NANA staff immediately followed up by smelling/tasting the milk and looking at the container/label.
It was found that the “milk” served was actually a floor sealant resembling liquid milk. Staff immediately directed students to stop consuming the substance and removed it.
Twelve students ingested the floor sealant. The RALLY site manager immediately contacted poison control. All steps provided by poison control were carefully followed and parents/guardians of the students who ingested the chemicals were informed of the incident.
The school district food service supervisor and RALLY supervisor arrived at the school by 9 am. Upon arrival they found that the RALLY site manager was taking all the steps provided by poison control, checking in with students and staff, and reaching out the parents/guardians about the incident. One student received medical treatment at Bartlett Regional Hospital and two other students were picked up from RALLY and the parents may have sought medical advice.
The district food service and RALLY supervisors followed up with the NANA staff to ensure the served product was disposed of and the remaining product removed from the premises and placed in chemical/hazardous storage.
The investigation is continuing assisted by the district, City and Borough of Juneau, NANA and Juneau Police Department.
The product’s toxicity report can be found at this link.