The Hawai‘i Department of Health’s (DOH) Food Safety Branch issued a red “closed” placard and immediately shut down Lahaina Sports Bar, located at 843 Wainee St., due to a cockroach infestation. Both adult and juvenile cockroach activity was observed.
The food establishment, operated by Lahaina Café, LLC, received the red placard on December 2, 2021 and must remain closed until all of the violations are resolved and DOH conducts a follow-up inspection before allowing the food establishment to reopen to the public.
During a routine inspection, the DOH inspector noted the following critical violations:
- Numerous live adult and juvenile cockroaches throughout the kitchen and bar. Cockroaches were observed crawling on various food contact surfaces and a cockroach egg case was also observed within the bar handwash sink.
- Abundant food debris and grease accumulation was observed underneath and on various pieces of kitchen equipment. Cockroaches were observed in these areas of grease build up and food debris. These areas were reportedly not being cleaned nightly as required.
- Two other critical violations were observed and corrected on site: A handwash sink was being used to wash dirty pans and utensils and the mechanical dishwasher was measured with no concentration of sanitizer.
DOH had cited the restaurant before for the presence of roaches, grease build-up and food debris at previous inspections and had discussed remedial actions with the owner as recently as May 2021. At this inspection, it was determined the food establishment needed to be immediately closed to protect public health.
DOH is requiring the food establishment to take the following corrective actions before they are allowed to reopen:
- Establishment needs to fully clean the kitchen, removing all food debris and grease accumulation from underneath and on kitchen equipment.
- Establishment needs to set up a treatment plan with the contracted pest control company to eradicate the current cockroach population. Based on the activity observed at inspection and past inspection history, pest treatments and monitoring need to occur daily or every other day at a minimum for the first week to control and eradicate the current cockroach population.
- Owner needs to remain in contact with the district inspector on scheduled pest control treatments and monitoring.
A follow up inspection was rescheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021 due to ongoing weather and road conditions. The re-inspection is to determine the status of the roach population and the progress of the clean-up efforts, and if the establishment can be allowed to reopen to the public.