Josh Wolfson at the Casper Star Tribune reports that the "Food Freedom Bill," which would have exempted Wyoming food producers that sell direct to consumers from state licensing and inspection requirements, died in legislative committee on Tuesday. (Question, might such a bill have conflicted with the requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act, or any of the rules that will be promulgated under it; and if so, what is entitled to supremacy?). The arguments for and against seem to have been the same this year as last, when a similar bill also failed. The bill’s proponents cite basic freedoms, and opponents cite basic principles of health and safety.
Although the Food Freedom Bill died, Wyoming still has a full plate with regard to new food laws. Wolfson also reports:
During Tuesday’s meeting, the House committee unanimously approved a second bill that exempts homemade foods served at “traditional events” from state licensing and inspection. Those events would include potlucks and school fundraisers.
The committee ran out of time before it could consider a third bill that would legalize the sale of raw milk in Wyoming through so-called “herd-share agreements.” Such agreements allow consumers to purchase a share of a cow or goat, paying a rancher for a portion of its care in exchange for milk produced by the animal.
Committee members are scheduled to discuss the raw milk bill Thursday.