As of August 17, 2015 (3pm EDT), CDC had been notified of 476* ill persons with confirmed Cyclospora infection from 29 states in 2015.
Most of these persons—282 (59%) of 476—experienced onset of illness on or after May 1, 2015, and did not have a history of international travel within 2 weeks before illness onset. These 282 persons were from the following 22 states: Arkansas (2), California (2), Connecticut (3), Florida (10), Georgia (23), Illinois (7), Iowa (1), Kansas (2), Maryland (1), Massachusetts (9), Michigan (2), Missouri (1), Montana (3), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (6), New Mexico (2), New York (excluding NYC) (8), New York City (21), Texas (162), Utah (1), Virginia (3), Washington (2), and Wisconsin (10).
Clusters of illness linked to restaurants or events have been identified in Texas, Wisconsin, and Georgia.
Cluster investigations are ongoing in Texas and Georgia.
*Texas reports a recent surge in illnesses due to the parasite Cyclospora has prompted DSHS to investigate the infections in hopes of determining a common source. DSHS has received reports of 243 Cyclosporiasis cases from around Texas this year. Past outbreaks have been associated with cilantro from the Puebla area of Mexico. While the investigation into the current outbreak is ongoing, DSHS has identified imported cilantro as a possible source of some infections.
Cluster investigations in Wisconsin and Texas have preliminarily identified cilantro as a suspect vehicle.
Investigations are ongoing to identify specific food item(s) linked to the cases that are not part of the identified clusters.
Previous U.S. outbreaks of cyclosporiasis have been linked to imported fresh produce, including cilantro from the Puebla region of Mexico.