On February 12, 2010, Huntington Meat Packing, Inc., expanded its January 18, 2010 beef recall to include approximately 4.9 million pounds of beef and veal products that it produced in 2009 and the first few days of this year. This expanded recall brings the grand total of beef products recalled since November 2009 (just 3 and a half months) to 5,672,000 pounds.

Today, the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service released a retail distribution list, which states that the recalled product was distributed to only two businesses nationally.  One is Castel and Cooke Cold Storage in Vernon, California, and the other is Rastelli Fine Foods in Swedesboro, New Jersey. 

It is unclear if these entities truly are the only businesses that received recalled product.  That would be a lot of beef and veal products–4.9 million pounds–for just two establishments.  More to come?