The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets is warning consumers to throw away raw, unpasteurized milk from Rob and Shirley Hudyncia doing business as HuHill Farm because of the positive test for the pathogen. The producer is now prohibited from selling raw milk until subsequent tests show it is free from Campylobacter jejuni. 

As of the posting of the public alert, no confirmed illnesses had been reported, but ill people frequently do not seek medical attention.

“On Oct.17, 2024, the producer was notified of a preliminary positive test result. Further laboratory testing, completed on October 21, 2024, confirmed the presence of Campylobacter jejuni in the raw milk sample, according to the health department alert,” according to the agriculture department.

In early August an identical scenario played out when a routine sample of the dairy’s raw milk was discovered to be contaminated with Campylobacter jejuni. Then and now the agriculture department recommends that any consumers who purchased raw milk from HuHill Farm immediately dispose of it and call the farm at 518-860-8098.

“It is important to note that raw milk does not provide the protection of pasteurization,” according to the department’s alert.