Washington and Oregon have been the site of two recent cheese recalls due to contamination by listeria monocytogenes. The first was announced earlier this month by the Estrella Family Creamery of Montesano, Washington. And the second was announced yesterday by Queserita Bendita, a Yakima area cheese producer. Interestingly, not all of the recalled cheeses
Queseria Bendita
Queseria Bendita Listeria-Contaminated Cheese Recall
By Drew Falkenstein on
Posted in Foodborne Illness Outbreaks
The FDA announced yesterday a recall by Queseria Bendita of certain cheese products due to fears that the products are contaminated by Listeria monocytogenes. The potentially lethal bacteria has been found at the Queseria Bendita facility and in samples of unopened, recalled product.
Queseria Bendita is a small cheesemaking operation in Yakima, WA. They’ve…