The Washington DC Bureau and Denver Bureau caught up with two more Food Safety Leaders in the last week for some Q & A. More interviews are coming over the next several weeks as we take the temperature from people who know.
Nestle on Food Safety Politics
Marion Nestle is an authority on food politics and policy. Nestle, a professor of public health and sociology at New York University, has written several books–all must reads for anyone concerned about the food system. From Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health to her most recent book Pet Food Politics: The Chihuahua in the Coal Mine, Nestle informs the discussion on issues ranging from nutrition to labeling to food safety.
Former Under Secretary For Food Safety Speaks Up
President Obama is too prone to making inflammatory remarks about food safety and it is "unnatural" to go this long without a "Senate-confirmed" Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So says the soft-spoken country doctor who until a year ago held USDA’s top food safety job under Secretaries of Agriculture Mike Johanns and Ed Shafer in the Bush Administration.