Weber-Morgan Health officials alerted campers to E. coli contamination discovered in the water at two Ogden-area campgrounds that has sickened several young girls at Camp Shawnee. The health department has asked that users of the campgrounds bring their own supply of bottled water with them to use for drinking, cooking, cleaning and personal hygiene purposes.
Public Pools and Waterborne Illnesses
Public health violations were reported in more than 10% of public pool inspections in the United States in 2008, as reported by Pediatric Supersite today. Taken from published findings in the , data from 1997 to 2006 indicated that gastroenteritis was the most frequently reported type of recreational water illness.
Chlorine- and bromine-susceptible pathogens such…
Towns in Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin Reacting to Fears of E. coli in Public Water
Towns in Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin are taking steps to prevent illness in residents using public water after positive tests for E. coli. Officials in Hollis, Oklahoma were distributing bottled water after positive tests in the public water system.
In Baytown, Texas, officials announced a boil order after positive E. coli tests.
And finally, residents in…
Infection’s starting point remains a mystery
Betsy Taylor of the Associated Press reports that the Madison County Health Department said Monday that no one source was discovered for illnesses caused by microscopic parasites that sickened dozens of people earlier this year.
Between the first reports on Aug. 8 and the last on Sept. 14, the department in Missouri received word of 57 cases of the illness, said registered nurse Carolyn Amelunke. Despite work to determine where the illness began, no starting point was identified, she said.Continue Reading Infection’s starting point remains a mystery