The Meat Trade News Daily misses only a couple major food safety issues (i.e. outbreaks) in yesterdays summary of ten major food stories in 2009.  In the blog post, titled "USA – Food Safety a Bloody Disgrace," MTND includes: 

1.  Stephanie Smith’s E. coli O157:H7 and HUS illness from eating a contaminated Cargill ground beef patty.  Stephanie has sued Cargill for

Last June, Brian Grubbs, of Colorado, suffered a Salmonella Saintpaul infection after consuming contaminated jalapeno peppers.  His illness was one of more than 1,200 in a nationwide outbreak.    The Grubbs purchased the peppers at their local WalMart.   Marler Clark subsequently filed suit against WalMart on Mr. Grubbs behalf.   WalMart tried unsuccessfully to have the suit thrown out, and has