Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar held a press conference today to announce new proposed leglisation to "promote a more rapid and effective national response to outbreaks of foodborne sickness." 

According to Klobuchar, the new act would, among other things:

  • Enhance the  Centers for Disease Control’s  (CDC)  foodborne disease surveillance system.
  • Direct CDC to provide more support to state health

As reported by the Wall Street Journal’s Jane Zhang,  states frustrated by the slow pace of national food safety reform have begun to take matters into their own hands.  Georgia was hit hard by the recent outbreak of Salmonella in peanut butter and peanut products;  as the leading producer of peanuts in the US

Bill Marler is traveling to Washington, DC today to support victims of three recent foodborne illness outbreaks as they give testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.  Marler provided written testimony for the subcommittee, highlighting eight steps he feels could greatly improve food safety.  Continue Reading Eight steps to safer food