Bolthouse Farms carrot juiceThe Toronto Star reports that Bolthouse Farms, the company whose carrot juice has been traced as the source of botulism and the resulting paralysis of four American citizens and two Canadians, blamed consumers for their "failure to properly refrigerate" Bolthouse Farms carrot juice today.

"It appears that it was consumers that did not take the

Kati Phillips of The Star reports that yeasty juice may be to blame for an outbreak of stomach cramps and nausea at a Park Forest middle school last week.
Tests ordered by Ceres Food Group indicate mixed fruit juice served to sixth-graders at Forest Trail Middle School in Park Forest/Chicago Heights School District 163 had higher than normal levels of yeast.
The juice tested negative for harmful bacteria such as listeria, E. coli, salmonella, lactic acid and other toxins, said Ceres president John Koubek.
High levels of yeast can result in an upset stomach, but there are no long-term effects from its consumption, he said.Continue Reading Juice that sickened students drank had more yeast than normal