The Seattle Post-Intelligencer published a story on the Seattle restaurants most-cited for critical (red) violations during health inspections.  P-I reporter Daniel Lanthrop interviewed Gary Kickbusch from Public Health — Seattle & King County, who described the difference in critical violations and other violations, known as "blue" for the story.

"We focus on ‘red critical’

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer published a story on the Seattle restaurants most-cited for critical (red) violations during health inspections.  P-I reporter Daniel Lanthrop interviewed Gary Kickbusch from Public Health — Seattle & King County, who described the difference in critical violations and other violations, known as "blue" for the story.

"We focus on ‘red critical’

Donna Taylor of the Stratford Beacon-Herald reports that public health inspectors have been a hot topic surrounding the legislation changes for food inspections at farmers’ markets and other special events. Unfortunately many negative statements have been made, most recently in the column written by Bob Reid entitled Home-cooking for Charity Under Siege” in your Thursday, June 22 edition. I would like to comment on some of his points.
First and foremost, public health inspectors have the health of the public in mind. One of the things we do is protect the oldest, youngest, and weakest through food safety inspections at nursing homes, day-care centres and hospitals, not to mention the kitchens at kids’ camps that feed thousands of children every year. We believe families expect that their loved ones’ health is being protected.Continue Reading Health inspectors not heartless ‘bureaucratic clones’