Or is insurance, too, beneath the “live free or die” mantra that is currently being taken to the extreme by a few folks in New Hampshire.  Food freedom is one thing, but de-regulating what I’m sure is a sizeable industry in the state is not without its problems.  The Legislature seems comfortable with the safety

zappos.jpgA total of 58 employees who worked at the Zappos plant in Bullit County, Kentucky were infected by a bacteria called Bacillus cereus in December.  At least twenty-nine sought medical attention, but nobody was hospitalized. 

With the full cooperation of Zappos and the contracted caterer, Materson’s, the health department has completed an investigation into the matter. The investigation

According to CIDRAP, gaps in biosafety training likely played a role in a Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak linked to lab exposure that sickened 109 people in 38 states.  The report is based on a CDC summary released January 17.

The outbreak involved a commercially available Salmonella Typhimurium strain used in laboratories, and health officials believe

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and Pepin Heights Orchards have advised consumers to avoid drinking certain Pepin Heights brand Honeycrisp 100 Percent Fresh Pressed Apple Cider after department laboratory tests found some product may be contaminated with a mycotoxin called patulin.

The affected product was sold in 64-ounce (half gallon) plastic jugs, featuring a