Harlan Spector of the Plain Dealer (OH) reported yesterday that health officials are investigating possible cases of food poisoning that may have sickened dozens of guests at a wedding reception Saturday at Casa di Borally, a popular banquet hall in Richmond Heights.
Seventeen probable cases were confirmed as of Thursday, “but this is still real early,” said Cuyahoga County Health Commissioner Terry Allan. “We’ve got a ton of people on this.”
Members of the wedding party said in interviews that close to 100 of the 300 guests became sick in the days after the reception. Several went to the hospital.

The source of the illness has not been found.
Guests dined on beef tenderloin, chicken piccata, cavatelli and antipasto hors d’oeuvres at the Chardon Road party center, which has been in business since 1963.
Frank Borally, the third-generation owner, said Thursday that the center had received only one complaint, from the mother of the bride. She reported that several guests had become ill, he said.
Borally said he had no evidence of any illness linked to the center. He said he had received no complaints from guests at Villa di Borally, a separate hall on the property that served the same menu on Saturday.
Borally said he is cooperating with health officials.
“We’ve got 45 years of business, and the name of the building on the line,” he said. “If there’s an issue, we’ll fix it.”
Health officials have obtained the guest list, but they said it will take time to determine the scope and cause of the outbreak. They asked anyone who suspects that they were sickened to call the health board at 216-201-2000.
The bride and groom are honeymooning in Hawaii and apparently are not ill.