Welcome to outbreakdatabase.com, a searchable database of illness outbreaks caused by one or more of the following
- consumption of contaminated foods or beverages,
- exposure to animals,
- exposure to contaminated recreational water,
- person-to-person contact with someone whose illness initiated from animal exposure or consumption of contaminated foods and beverages.
Here is May and June 2012:
Listeriosis in Westmoreland County (PA) Patient Linked to Cheese Sold by Whole Foods, 2012
The Allegheny County Health Department and Whole Foods Market announced that Jean Perrin Edel de Cleron cheese sold in the East Liberty Whole Foods Market store was linked to listeriosis in a 69 year old Westmoreland County man. The man fell ill on …Read More »
Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Bredeney Linked to Sunland, Inc. Nut Butters, 2012
On September 22, 2012 the CDC announced a multistate outbreak of Samonella serotype Bredeney linked to Trader Joe’s Valencia Creamy Salted Peanut Butter. Collaborative efforts by local, state and federal public health and regulatory officials traced…Read More »
North Carolina Restaurant 2012
75 people fell ill after eating at Ribeye’s Steakhouse in Nashville, North Carolina. The exact cause of the outbreak was not determined.…Read More »
George Mason University Norovirus Outbreak, June 2012
Approximately 40 students participating in a program sponsored by the Congressional Award Foundation became ill with norovirus during their stay at George Mason University located in Fairfax, Virginia. Illness onsets began on Thursday, June 21. Mor…Read More »
2012 Outbreak of Cryptosporidium, unspecified source, Oneida County, NY
In mid-June 15, 2012 the Oneida County Department of Health announced that 6 cases of Cryptosporidium had been reported to the health department. County officials advised school nurses and the administrations of all school districts that illness may…Read More »
California Pizza Kitchen Norovirus Outbreak, June 2012
A California Pizza Kitchen located in Walnut Creek, California was temporarily shut down after a norovirus outbreak made more than 60 diners sick according to Contra Costa County Health Department officials. Ill persons ate at the restaurant between…Read More »
Outbreak of Norovirus Among Notre Dame Sports Camp Attendees, June 2012
More than 100 middle and high school aged children attending a sports camp on the Notre Dame campus were ill with suspected norovirus in June 2012. Twenty-nine campers were seen at area hospitals. Dr. Thomas Felger at the St. Joseph County Health D…Read More »
Salmonella Enteriditis Due to Contaminated Cargill Ground Beef, June 2012
On July 22, 2012 Cargill Meat Solutions announced a recall of 29,339 pounds of fresh ground beef products due to possible contamination with Salmonella Enteriditis. Using epidemiologic and tracback data public health investigators in 8 states (MA, M…Read More »
July is coming.