BLOOMINGTON— The McLean County Health Department and the Illinois Department of Public Health are currently investigating a cluster of salmonella cases who reported eating at a variety of restaurants in Central Illinois from October 18 through November 11.

The McDonalds on South Main Street in Bloomington was found to have a suspected connection to the salmonella cases. The health department discussed the situation with the franchise ownership, at which time they chose to voluntarily close in an abundance of caution. No substantial information was discovered to connect the establishment with the cluster of illnesses until over the holiday weekend. It is still early in the investigation; however, the suspected link does not seem to be a certain food, but rather human transmission.

The employees of the establishment are being tested and will be allowed to return to work as lab results confirm they are safe to serve food to the public.

Because of the low number of cases at this point in time, case numbers and personal information cannot be released.

Symptoms of salmonella include fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. This specific strain of salmonella— Salmonella Stanley—occasionally produces bloody diarrhea. If the public is experiencing these symptoms, please contact your primary healthcare provider. Individuals at severe risk of complications from salmonella include elderly, infants, and individuals with compromised immune systems.