kansas-state-seal.pngA press release from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) indicated that the five isolates sent to CDC do match the Listeria multistate outbreak. The agencies anticipate that Kansas will soon be added to the CDC’s report.

In addition to the newly confirmed Kansas cases, the latest reports from the CDC show that, so far, a total of 55 persons infected with the 4 outbreak-associated strains of Listeria monocytogenes have been reported from 14 states. All illnesses started on or after August 4. The number of infected persons identified in each state is as follows: California (1), Colorado (14), Illinois (1), Indiana (1), Maryland (1), Montana (1), Nebraska (4), New Mexico (10), Oklahoma (8), Texas (9), Virginia (1), West Virginia (1), Wisconsin (2) and Wyoming (1). These cases are in addition to the Kansas cases.

Kansas has eight cases of listeriosis reported since August 26, with 5 cases now matching the multistate outbreak. Two of these eight patients have died and the causes of death are being investigated. Typically, Kansas reports fewer than six cases of listeriosis per year.