Acting under the authority of section MGL, Chapter 111, Section 127A, the Delaney House Restaurant was inspected on November 25, 20I4 by representatives from the Holyoke Board of Health and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Envirorunental Health, Food Protection Program (FPP).
• Nineteen (19) confirmed Salmonella cases and additional suspect cases were traced back to ten (10) different events held at the Delaney House between 11/11/14 and 11/I5/14.
• Five foodhandlers and one non-foodhandling employee at this establishment have tested positive for Salmonella.
• Some of the infected foodhandlers worked at events outside of the Delaney House, including the
Log Cabin, a take-out restaurant, and various catered events.
FPP investigated the Delaney House with a representative from the Board of Health and found that the foodborne outbreak associated with this establishment meets the definition of an imminent health hazard as defined by section 8-404.11 of the Food Code and that compliance with the Food Code has not been effected. During this same site investigation, FPP staff observed and documented the following violations to the Food Code:
• Employee policy manual fails to require employees to report health conditions as required by 105 CMR 590.003(F).
• Single employee who washes dishes was observed handling clean dishes after loading dirty dishes, which fails to protect dishes from contamination as required by FC 3-307.11.
• Hot water sanitizing rinse in mechanical dishwasher failed to reach 180°F as required by FC 4-501.112.
Therefore, in accordance with 105 CMR 590.010(D)(l), FPP respectfully requests that the Holyoke Board of Health order the owner of these three operations to take the following actions within 12 hours of receipt of this letter:
1. Correct all violations noted in the FPP inspection report dated November 25, 2014.
2. Provide a complete list of staff who worked since November 11 at Delaney House, Log Cabin, or Log Rolling Catering.
3. Provide a complete list of all on-site and off-site food service events worked since November 11 by any staff from Delaney House, Log Cabin, or Log Rolling Catering.
4. Sort all staff into risk groups according to work assignments associated with level of food handling (i.e. high risk= prep cooks; low risk = cashiers).
5. Ensure that each foodhandler does not work at any of the three operations until he or she has submitted two (2) stool samples that are negative for salmonella, at least 24 hours apart, as required by section 105 CMR 300.200(A) of DPH regulation, “Reportable Diseases, Surveillance, and Isolation and Quarantine Requirements”.
6. In all three operations, clean and sanitize all food contact surfaces, and discard open or exposed food.
FPP also respectfully requests that the Holyoke Board of Health notify this office in writing of what actions will be and have been taken to effect compliance with 105 CMR 590.000, as per 105 CMR 590.010(D). The Holyoke Board of Health also has the option of issuing an emergency closure notice under the authority of 105 CMR 590.014(A).