The Green Bay Press-Gazette reported today that an Egg Harbor restaurant was to reopen after a foodborne illness caused it to close its doors recently. According to the Press-Gazette, the Log Den restaurant is open again after a three-day closure to ensure that employees were no longer ill and would not transmit illness to customers. From the article:
"We recommended they be closed until Wednesday due to the three-day incubation period," of rotavirus, said Dennis Hibray, regional director for the state Department of Public Health. "If an employee becomes sick, they should be over it by then. And once you get it, you don’t get it again."
Rotavirus, which most commonly causes severe vomiting and diarrhea in small children, is easily transmitted from people, objects and food.
The restaurant voluntarily closed Friday after the state and county learned that some of the restaurant’s employees were ill. It was allowed to reopen Saturday after meeting criteria set by the state: using bottled water and packaged ice, excluding sick employees, wearing protective gloves and sanitizing the restaurant and kitchen.
Then, on Saturday night, "they had another sick employee and as a result of that, another employee who became ill at work," Hibray said. "Knowing that, we contacted them and recommended they close their business, which they did."
Marler Clark sponsors a Web site about foodborne illness, where you can learn about common foodborne pathogens.