Wellements LLC is issuing a voluntary recall of Baby Move™ Prune Concentrate liquid dietary supplement, because the supplier of one of the ingredients used in the product has indicated that the ingredient has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis.
No illnesses have been reported to date.
Wellements LLC is issuing a voluntary recall of the following: Wellements Baby Move™ Prune Concentrate 4oz (UPC 729609019878) sold in a glass bottle and packaged in an individual product carton. At this time, all product lots up to and including lot number 12179 are subject to the voluntary recall. Wellements Baby Move™ Prune Concentrate was distributed from January 2012 to July 2012 nationwide through retail stores and online retailers.
On July 13, 2012, Wellements LLC was informed by their contract manufacturer who was informed by raw ingredient supplier Ingredion (formerly Corn Products International Inc.) that retain samples of five lots of a raw material Purimune (Galacto Oligosaccharide) had tested positive for Salmonella contamination. To date, no lots of Wellements Baby Move™ final product have tested positive for Salmonella contamination.