According to the Packer and AP, Bidart Bros. has expanded an apple recall to include all granny smith and galas shipped from its Shafter, Califirnia facility in 2014 — not just ones sent to caramel apple marketers implicated in a listeria recall.
“Several” samples collected at the Bidart Bros. apple packing facility tested positive for listeria monocytogenes, but additional tests are ongoing to determine if it is the same strain of the pathogen that has killed six and sickened at least 34 people in the U.S. and Canada. The Food and Drug Administration released the test results January 8 after having notified Bidart Bros. three days earlier.
The FDA reported the company recalled granny smith apples December 22, but the recall was limited to customers Bidart officials knew produced caramel apples.
The listeria outbreak, which began in October and is ongoing, was initially linked to caramel apples only. However, after the positive results for the pathogen at Bidart’s Shafter packing facility, nationwide recalls are in effect in the U.S. and Canada on all of the gala and granny smith apples packed there in 2014.
Leonard Bidart, president of the family-owned company, issued a written statement January 8.