Per a Food & Water Watch press release, amidst the furor of takeovers of U.S. resources by multinational corporations and media reports about the meat industry’s controversial practice of using carbon monoxide to extend shelf life on meat products, a new consumer group has emerged to tackle the growing corporate control and abuse of essential resources. Food & Water Watch today launched its new Web site. It is available at
“Nearly everyday, we hear about yet another food safety scare or another community that is protesting jacked-up water rates forced on them by private providers. People across the United States and the world are starting to realize the impact that corporations have had on our public resources — and they aren’t happy about it,” said Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch. “We hope our new Web site will help people learn more about what they eat and drink, and motivate them to take action, get involved, and demand change.”
The new nonprofit group is a spin off of the national organization Public Citizen, where Food & Water Watch’s food, fish, and water campaigns were formerly housed. Now in a new location in Washington, D.C., the group has targeted several key campaigns for 2006, including:
A factory farm campaign that educates the public on how industrialized agriculture impacts consumers’ health, the environment, and small-scale farmers.
A fish farming campaign that tackles the controversial new industrialized model for raising fish around the world, despite mounting evidence that it endangers public health, the oceans and surrounding ecosystems, and traditional fishing communities.
A corporate campaign against two of the largest private water companies in the world, Suez and RWE, which have U.S. subsidiaries that own or manage water systems for more than 25 million people in the United States.