Heidi Smith of Guelph Mercury News reports that with the warmer weather just around the corner, you may be getting the urge to do some spring cleaning. Perhaps a good place to start is the kitchen.
A clean, organized fridge may inspire you to prepare more foods at home and help you be more organized when stocking up on healthy items.
If you are looking to improve your health and ward off illness, a good overhaul of your refrigerator is well worth the effort.
Healthy eating starts at home. If you stock up with lots of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean meats, you are well on your way to better health.
You must, of course, eat it before it spoils. And getting to your food before it spoils requires an organized fridge, meal planning and some attention to food safety.

Sara Wilson, Manager of Information at the Guelph-based Food Safety Network, recommends investing in a fridge thermometer.
“One of the most important, often overlooked, aspects of food safety is keeping food at the proper temperature to limit bacterial growth,” Wilson said. “By purchasing a simple fridge thermometer, you can ensure your food is being kept at 4 C or colder, which is within the safety limit.”
Wilson also recommends packing up leftovers within two hours of cooking and keeping them no longer than two or three days. If you label your leftovers with the date and contents details, then no one is left guessing if something is safe to eat.
Wilson’s other suggestion: “If in doubt, throw it out.”