The Daily Democrat reports that September is National Food Safety Education Month, and the UC Davis Small Farm Center is partnering with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to promote consumer food safety education and reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Throughout the month of September the Small Farm Center is reminding consumers that they are the final gatekeepers to a safe food supply.
Consumers can visit the Small Farm Center’s Web site at http:/ (click on Program Areas, then Food Safety) to discover user-friendly information.

Areas covered include advice and precautions in regard to food safety while grocery shopping; cleaning food and kitchen equipment; cooking; and storing leftovers. According to the site, “The consumer’s role in keeping food safe is a crucial one because it is the last safety check on the road from farm to table. Practicing safe food preparation practices begins as early as shopping in the market, and extends all the way to placing food on the plate.”
The Small Farm site also offers links to a number of other food safety-related Web sites such as Fight BAC Partnership for Food Safety Education; U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition; and USDA/FDA Foodborne Illness Education Information Center.