Food Safety and Raw Milk.  The CDC broke down the website into easy to read and understand sections:

Raw Milk Questions and Answers

Trying to Decide about Raw Milk?

video_home.jpgI thought the most powerful part was the videos of Real Stories of the Dangers of Raw Milk.

Mary McGonigle-Martin, from California, is the kind of mom who does her homework. Searching for a healthier way to provide dairy for her 7-year-old son, she considered raw milk. In this video, Mary describes what happened after her son drank contaminated raw milk.  (Organic Pastures E. coli Outbreak Report)

Kalee Prue is a health-conscious, single mom from Connecticut, who enjoyed being active. Kalee had trouble digesting lactose and read that drinking raw milk would help her digest dairy better. A few days after finishing the milk, Kalee began to get sick. In this video, Kalee tells her story.  (Whole Foods E. coli Outbreak Report)

Julie Riggs and her family live in a small town in Missouri. Her husband and daughter couldn’t tolerate cow’s milk, so the family decided to try raw goat’s milk from a local farmer. In this video, Julie describes what happened to her daughter and husband.  (Herb Depot E. coli Outbreak Report)

I am proud of each one of my clients.  Click on the links above to learn more about the clients and the specific about the outbreaks.  More information on Raw Milk can be found at Real Raw Milk Facts.