Badge.jpgABA Top 100 Law Blawgs:

On its 5th birthday, you’ll see some familiar faces at the party: bloggers who’ve been on our list in years past.

But 2011 also brought along a lot of newcomers, and we’re delighted that so many RSVP’d our invitation to nominate their favorites. We received more than 1,300 Blawg Amici this year, and that made for a hard time narrowing the field to 100 law blogs.

Click here to peruse the law blogs in alphabetical order. To vote for your favorites online before the polls close Dec. 30, scroll down and click a category title to see the list of blogs in that category. There are 12 categories, and registration gets you 12 votes. But you can vote more than once in the same category.  Go to Torts to vote.

tort-blogs-220x180.jpgLexis Nexis Top 25 Blogs:

The results are in, and the LexisNexis Litigation Resource Community is pleased to announce the LexisNexis Top 25 Tort Law Blogs of 2011. Congratulations to all the honorees and to all those who were nominated!

The honored blogs contain a wealth of information for Tort Law practitioners, with timely news items, practical information, expert analysis, tips, frequent postings, and helpful links to other sites.

The voting isn’t over, though. You can have your voice heard as to the selection of the Top Tort Law Blog of the Year!  You will need to be registered in order to vote.  If you haven’t previously registered, follow this link  to create a new registration or use your sign in credentials from your favorite social media site.  Registration is free and does not result in sales contacts. Once you are logged in, you can then VOTE by checking the box next to your favorite Tort Law blog then submitting the results.

Voting ends on Friday Dec. 10, 2011, at midnight ET, so VOTE now!!!