The Pierce County Department of Health announced that it was working with Harvest Buffet, 3121 S. 38th St., Tacoma, following a suspected norovirus outbreak. We closed the restaurant around 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 10, and will reopen it after at least 24 hours. Staff will clean and sanitize the restaurant and take all steps necessary to ensure the public is no longer at risk.

Multiple people in the same group but from different households reported norovirus-like symptoms on Wednesday after they ate at the restaurant Sunday, Oct. 6. The meal was their only common source of food.
If you ate at Harvest Buffet recently and became ill, contact us at, report online, or (253) 649-1696.
Norovirus is highly contagious. It can cause diarrhea and vomiting, often at the same time. Symptoms typically last a day or two. It is the same virus often related to cruise ship outbreaks.
In addition to cleaning and sanitizing the restaurant, staff will throw out all ready-to-eat foods like vegetables, bread, and cheese.
Cleaning for norovirus
Clean vomit or diarrhea accidents immediately.
Step 1. Remove vomit or poop.
- Pick up the chunks with paper towels or other disposable material. Wear disposable gloves if available.
- Soak up liquids with absorbent materials. Use kitty litter or dry oatmeal for carpeted areas.
- Double bag and discard.
- Do not use a vacuum cleaner.
Step 2. Sanitize areas where vomit or poop was present, as well as bathroom surfaces and other things you frequently touch.
- Disinfect hard surfaces using 1 2/3 cups of household bleach per gallon of water. Allow for 1 minute of contact time.
- Sanitize all handles and knobs in your house with the bleach solution.
- Linens (including clothing, towels, napkins): Wash separately in hot water and dry on high.
- Steam clean carpets using the highest setting for heat.
- Avoid cross-contamination (use separate sanitation cloths for bathroom and other surfaces).
- Clean and disinfect all containers used (e.g., buckets).
Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Especially after cleaning, restroom use, and before eating.
If you ate at Harvest Buffet and became ill, contact the Health Department at, report online, or call (253) 649-1696.