Product Details

#Product DescriptionRecall NumberClassificationCode InformationProduct QuantityReason for Recall
1Romaine lettuce, packaged into the following configurations and sizes: 1. Medium, Produce Code 720832, 6-2lb per shipping case. 2. Medium, Produce Code 720840, 10-2lb per shipping case. 3. 1.5XRandom, Produce Code 720625, 4-2.5lb bags per shipping case. 4. 1.5XRandom, Produce Code 720725, 4-2.5lb bags per shipping case. 5. 1.5XRandom, Produce Code 720732, 6-2lb bags per shipping case. 6. 1.5XRandom, Produce Code 720732C, 6-2lb bags per shipping case. 7. 1.5XRandom, Produce Code 720747, 3-2lb bags per shipping case. 8. Lettuce Romaine Shred, Produce Code 720325, 4-2.5lb.bags per shipping case. 9. Romaine Shred 1/4″, Produce Code 720425, 4-2.5lb bags per shipping case. 10. Lettuce Romaine Shred, Produce Code 720449, 8-2.5lb.bags per shipping case. less…F-1013-2023Class IILot 13016611,500 pounds totalRomaine lettuce may be contaminated with deer feces.
2Lettuce Salad Blend Monterey, Produce Code 404709, 4-5lb bags per shipping case. F-1014-2023Class IILot 13016611,500 pounds totalRomaine lettuce may be contaminated with deer feces.
3Lett Blend Rom/End/Rad – All Seasons, packaged in the following sizes: 1. Produce Code 444032, 6-2lb bags per shipping case. 2. Produce Code 444047, 3-2lb bags per shipping case. F-1015-2023Class IILot 13016611,500 pounds totalRomaine lettuce may be contaminated with deer feces.